Environment Variables, Clone App, Edit App in Yaml
Let's take a look at how to use flexible & powerful Environment Variables (ENV) to customize your Crafting Sandbox.
Set Up Environment Variables
A common and powerful way to control code behavior is to use ENV. Since sandboxes are a special type of environment, certain settings must be customized. An environment variable such as a URL, port, API keys, hostname of service, etc. is primarily used to provide configuration information to a program.
Crafting Sandbox supports many options to specify ENVs.The first approach is to specify the ENVs in the App, which will be applied to all Sandboxes created based on the App. From the Web Console, ENVs can be specified in any workspace view in Edit Mode, as shown in following example:

ENVs can be specified on the App/Sandbox level, which applies to all workspaces, or on the Workspace level, which only applies to a specific workspace.
Override Environment Variables
In addition to setting ENVs on App for them to apply to all new sandboxes, Crafting supports overriding ENV settings at sandbox creation time so that you can create special sandboxes to match your specific needs.

Sandbox settings can be further adjusted at sandbox creation time, as shown above. The end result will be shown in the workspace detail view to give you an idea bout what ENVs are in effect (shown below).

If you'd like to learn more about ENV in Crafting Sandbox, please check out our documents or get in touch with us to learn more.
Additional Features

Clone App
With this feature, you can quickly clone an App to make modifications without worrying about breaking something.
Edit App in Yaml in Web Console
To directly edit the App definition in yaml format, now you can do that in Web Console, in addition to CLI's `cs app edit`

April 18, 2022